For My Students… Favorite Violin and Viola Concertos Part 1

During the Memorial Day Weekend I enjoyed listening to the top 76 listener’s choice of best concertos on Sirius XM Symphony Hall. It included all instruments, and it was wonderful to hear some performances that were new to me, and to just have a focused listening project. I love this station because of their live interviews with composers and performers, live orchestra and chamber music broadcasts, and because of weekends or weeks occasionally dedicated to one topic or one composer. I thought I would post some of my favorite violin and viola concertos for you all to listen to and enjoy for some inspiration. Challenge yourselves, do a little research on the composer, the soloist(s), the ensemble, and the conductor. These are in no particular order, and there are many performances out there of each piece. A few of these are tone poems, not full length concertos, but definitely worth including! Let me know what you enjoyed the most, what you learned, and any questions you might have at your next lesson!