The Magic of Twinkle… how technique and discipline lead to artistic freedom and creativity!

Technique is ALWAYS a topic in my studio! Whether it’s a major concerto or twinkle variations, and lately my Indianapolis and Virtual Students have been focused on independence of fingers in left hand, and independence of the two hands, since string players essentially have two totally different techniques, for the bow and for the left hand, compared to a pianist who is using the same technique in both hands. Teaching has a way of refreshing my memory, especially that what is simple is not easy to execute perfectly. So why do we study technique, why all of the super focused practice getting every motion and every element in sync? These skills give ease… making it “easy” to get creative, to express a mood, to play something differently the more we learn about the piece, and the more we have to express ourselves. Here are a few wonderful examples from totally different artists… after all, the fun is in making each performance your own!

Karine Stone